
【mimiwa】Wa Sliver Necklace 和 シルバー ネックレス

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Meaning of Wa【和】
Symbol of Japan. Japanese Style. おだやか。調和すること。日本。


Mimiwa is a range of jewelry inspired by the work of Japanese calligrapher Ryuki Kuwana.


Japanese calligraphy or 書道 (shodou) is the simple and beautiful art of Japanese writing. Modern Japanese is comprised of Kana as well as over 50000 Kanji characters. Each beautiful Kanji character has its own meaning and the combination of certain characters can produce a new term. As a Japanese native living abroad, people would comment on the Kanji absently written on my notebook ; remarking on the shape, inquiring as to the meaning or requesting that their own names be written in Kanji. In this way, the Kanji generated conversations that allowed me to share my language and culture. That was the birth of Mimiwa. The objective of Mimiwa is to encourage the viewer to reconsider art forms that can be seen everywhere in our daily lives.
It prompts the question : What is the Japanese aesthetic?

カリグラフィ(書道)は、アジアが生んだアート。5万字とも言われる漢字は、それぞれ美しいラインから構成され、各々深みのある意味持ち、併せてまた新しい意味を成します。海外で生活をしていると、私のノートの片隅にメモした漢字を見た多くの人が、“これどういう意味なの?”“私はこの形が好き”“ 私の名前を漢字で書いて”などと興味深げに尋ねてきてくれました。そんなほんの些細なことから会話が生まれる・・・それが、この耳輪シリーズを作る始まりでした。


Size: apro. w15×L10×T1 (mm)
Material: Silver

*Clip-on type is available. please ask from the contact form.



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